Understanding Safety Signs And Overhead Lifting Equipment Hazards
As heavy industrial equipment designed and engineered to lift, transport, and maneuver large, dense loads throughout a facility, overhead handling systems — including cranes, hoists, and monorails — can pose safety hazards to operators and other personnel if they are ...
Why Capacity Markings Are Crucial To Overhead Handling Safety
All components of an overhead handling system — including cranes, hoists, and monorails — are designed and constructed by their original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to support a maximum rated load. Typically measured in tons, the load capacity of each specific ...
Hoist Chain Container Best Practices
When a hoist is equipped with a load chain to lift or lower a load, there is often excess slack chain hanging from the unit. This slack load chain can interfere with the load, the adjacent load chain, or even ...
Why Key Personnel Must Know How To Disconnect An Overhead ...
With nearly all overhead cranes powered by electricity, it is imperative that personnel who operate, maintain, or work with these systems know how to cut the power in the case of emergency or maintenance need. That means they need to ...
For The Safest Operation, Ensure Overhead Crane And Hoist Operators ...
To maximize efficiency and ease of operation many cranes and hoists are designed to be operated intuitively, with wireless remote controls (utilizing radio or infrared signals to relay function instructions to the system) or wired, push-button pendants (also referred to ...
Hoist Inspections: A Critical Aspect Of Overhead Handling Safety
To ensure both the safety and the optimal functionality of hoists, it is critical to inspect a variety of components and operating functions at specific intervals. The Hoist Manufacturers Institute (HMI) has developed the following content solely as a means ...
Fall Protection: Best Practices For Industrial Overhead Cranes
Industrial overhead cranes used within facilities to transport large, heavy, and bulky loads offer a variety of safety benefits to operations with precision remote handling and the ability for an operator to maintain a safe distance while directing the equipment. ...
Prior To Using A Workstation Crane, Operators Should Assess Its ...
For their own safety and the safety of those in the area, operators of workstation cranes should perform a pre-operational/pre-shift inspection to determine if any parts are damaged or require repairs. A series of 20 different areas should be reviewed, ...
Why End Stops Are An Important Safety Feature On Monorail ...
All good things must come to an end, and that includes the rails of overhead fixed monorail — constructed with either patented track or enclosed track — upon which carriers, end trucks or trolleys travel. To ensure that a load ...
Monorail Splice Connections: Best Practices For Design And Use
Monorails transport heavy, bulky materials throughout an operation, maximizing a building’s vertical space by moving loads overhead. They consist of a continuous run of fixed, overhead track and carriers, end trucks or trolleys suspended from the track that move the ...